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How to Figure Out What You Really Want.


Updated: Sep 28, 2023

I'm sitting at CarX waiting for my car to get fixed. I decided to hang out and do a quick over-view of my classes and finical aid status for the upcoming semester while I waited.

I jumped onto Youtube and searched, "What jobs can I get with a Biology degree?". The video I found was good, and informative. However, a suggested video popped up in the corner. It was a Tedx talk from Ashley Stahl titled "How to figure out what you really want". With a smile on my face and without hesitation, I clicked on the video.

Ashely broke down 3 simple steps to discovering how we can figure out what we really want. She started her speech out by explaining how powerful and how often we tend to give our power away due to fear. The three steps are as follows:

Step 1: Audit Yourself

"Where am I holding myself captive?"

In other words, what is honestly working for me and what isn't? Am I listening to others, or myself?

Step 2: Follow Your Freedom

What feels good to me?

My list so far is as follows but is subject to change:

Talking to people/hearing their stories and encouraging them

Sitting quietly in nature

Expressing love





Step 3: Engage

"Clarity comes from engagement, not from thought." - Ashely Stahl

This is truly powerful advice. She went on to talk about how one shouldn't, 'follow their passion' but instead accept what is real for them; go with what feels right/good. She advised people take note of the things that actually make them feel good as they go about their day, week, month even. She gave advice that I intuitively stepped into a few weeks ago: I have to use my current occupation as an experiment. What is it about my job that works for me and doesn't work for me? What things do I do in my current occupation that I actually enjoy? What do I not enjoy?

As I usually do when I start to watch inspirational/motivational videos, I clicked on the next suggested one whose title spoke to me. The next video was from a man named Mario Lanzarotti; the title was, Stop Doubting Yourself and Go after what you Really, Really Want. His speech/advice tied in with Ashley's. He talked about how he saw a movie when he was young that led him to believe he wanted to be pilot. He had self-doubt, which he describes as a necessary part of life that we should perceive as a friend, not an enemy.

Through his self-doubt, he began pilot school. Like Ashely had advised in her video, he went into pilot school, doing what felt right, but realized it was not what he wanted. I think too often people are expected to make a choice and never change their mind, and if they do, they are "unstable" or "inconsistent"; this is a farce idea and a determent to ones growth.

We are allowed to and are suppose to change our minds as young people. Like Ashley said in her video, we are not the same person at 30 as we were at 25, and certainly not the same person at 40. We have to experiment with our lives and try new things. Clarity does NOT come from thought, it comes from engagement; until you try, there is no possible way for you to know!

The last video I watched before I felt drawn to write this blog was a video titled, "How to find and do work you love" by Scott Dinsmore. He shared a very inspiring story about a nine year old boy who swam from Alcatraz to San Francisco, and he was in a WHEEL CHAIR!

Scott made the point to ask, "who will this young man be at the age of 30?" When we challenge ourselves to do the things people call us "crazy" for, we 'level-up' who we are. We discover things about ourselves we would have otherwise lost to age if we hadn't gone within and heard our voice over the voice of others.

Stop living your life to build a resume. Go within and Live Your Legend. Pick up your journal, pay attention to things that make you feel good, recognize the skillsets you are utilizing when these "good feeling moments" occur. You have SO much more power over your life than you think. Surround yourself with people who are successfully doing the thing you want to do. Your environment is what makes you. Stop surrounding yourself with people who keep you comfortably numb. Never settle, even if you need the job to get by right now. Use every moment you can to get closer to the life you want and the life YOU DESERVE.

With Love,

Celina Joan <3

Click each link below to watch the TedX talks I talked about in this blog.

Pictured below is Walt Trab. You can find his music here. His music is also available on all platforms including Spotify and Amazon Music.


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