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A Sacred Songstress & Grounding Guide


I was always a quiet girl. I grew up in the country side riding homemade go-karts, climbing trees, scraping my knees, and playing ghost in the graveyard with my four siblings. I specifically remember be encouraged my older sister, Elizabeth, to play kickball outside during a thunder storm; probably the coolest thing I've done yet! 

As a young girl, I was tapped into meditating (though nobody told me what it was) and I felt a deep reverence for nature. I didn't recognize these qualities in myself until I learned about spiritually in 2020. During a meditative practice I had a memory recall. In this memory I was seated crisscross-apple-sauce, at the end of my families drive way, staring into the tree canopies across the street; that's how my blog got it's name: Above The Trees.


The more I engulf myself in self-nurturing the more free I feel. Writing is my way of showing myself that I'm paying attention to my life. I am paying attention to what I need to grow and be a better version of myself for myself and those I love and cherish. Inside I will always be the quiet girl sitting somewhere in the woods writing or listening to rustling leaves above me. The outward projection of me has learned that it is my duty to protect that quiet girl, to nurture her. And writing is just one way I do that.

-Celina Joan

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